Understanding NGINX Common Headers and Their Functions


In the world of web development and server configurations, understanding the X-Forwarded headers is crucial for handling requests properly. These headers provide information about the original client request when a request passes through multiple proxies or load balancers. In this blog post, we will delve into the commonly used X-Forwarded headers - X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-URI, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Method / X-Original-Method, and X-Original-URL - and explore their significance with examples.

1. X-Forwarded-Proto:

The X-Forwarded-Proto header indicates the protocol used by the client to connect to the proxy or load balancer. It helps in determining whether the original request was made over HTTP or HTTPS. For example, if a client makes a request using HTTPS and it passes through a proxy, the X-Forwarded-Proto header will be set to "https".

Purpose: Indicates the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) used by the client to connect to the proxy or load balancer.

Example Value: https

Usage: Useful for determining if the original request was over a secure connection.


X-Forwarded-Proto: https

2. X-Forwarded-Host:

The X-Forwarded-Host header contains the original host name specified by the client in the HTTP request. This header is useful when the request is forwarded through a proxy or load balancer that changes the host name.

Purpose: Identifies the original Host header sent by the client.

Example Value: example.com

Usage: Used to determine the original host requested by the client, especially useful when the proxy or load balancer modifies the Host header.


X-Forwarded-Host: example.com

3. X-Forwarded-URI:

The X-Forwarded-URI header provides the original URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) requested by the client. It includes the path and query parameters of the original request.

Purpose: Indicates the original URI requested by the client.

Example Value: /path/to/resource

Usage: Helps in maintaining the original request URI when proxies or load balancers modify it.


X-Forwarded-URI: /blog?category=tech

4. X-Forwarded-For:

The X-Forwarded-For header contains the IP address of the client that initiated the request. It is used to identify the original client IP address when the request passes through proxies or load balancers.

Purpose: Identifies the IP address of the client making the request, including a list of IPs through which the request has been forwarded.

Example Value: client1, proxy1, proxy2

Usage: Used for logging, rate limiting, and security purposes to track the original client IP.



5. X-Forwarded-Method / X-Original-Method:

The X-Forwarded-Method or X-Original-Method header specifies the HTTP method used by the client in the original request. It helps in preserving the original request method when passing through intermediaries.

Purpose: Indicates the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) used by the client to make the original request.

Example Value: GET

Usage: Useful when proxies or load balancers modify the HTTP method.


X-Forwarded-Method: GET

6. X-Original-URL:

The X-Original-URL header contains the full URL of the original request made by the client, including the protocol, host, path, and query parameters.

Purpose: Specifies the original URL requested by the client.

Example Value: http://example.com/path/to/resource

Usage: Maintains the original URL for routing and logging purposes when proxies or load balancers change the URL.


X-Original-URL: https://example.com/blog?category=tech

Example Configuration in Node.js

Here’s an example of how to read these headers in a Node.js application using Express:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  const forwardedProto = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'];
  const forwardedHost = req.headers['x-forwarded-host'];
  const forwardedURI = req.headers['x-forwarded-uri'];
  const forwardedFor = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'];
  const forwardedMethod = req.headers['x-forwarded-method'] || req.headers['x-original-method'];
  const originalURL = req.headers['x-original-url'];

  console.log('X-Forwarded-Proto:', forwardedProto);
  console.log('X-Forwarded-Host:', forwardedHost);
  console.log('X-Forwarded-URI:', forwardedURI);
  console.log('X-Forwarded-For:', forwardedFor);
  console.log('X-Forwarded-Method:', forwardedMethod);
  console.log('X-Original-URL:', originalURL);


app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello World');

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on port 3000');

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing the X-Forwarded headers in HTTP requests is essential for maintaining the integrity of client requests as they traverse through proxies and load balancers. By leveraging these headers effectively, developers can ensure that the original client information is preserved and processed accurately by the server.

Hope you find this helpful!!

Understanding NGINX Common Headers and Their Functions
Ram Krishna July 16, 2024
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